Ai Holdings CorporationTSE 1st: 3076

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Corporate Vision

Our corporate philosophy is based on the belief that all things arise from trust and faith, which is also the driving force in creating value acknowledged by people and society. Based on this belief, we have aggressively conducted operations, including merger and acquisitions, in order develop and expand our business—and, in doing so, meet every expectation of our stakeholders. Our goal is to achieve steady growth in niche markets, maximizing the services and products in which each member of our Group of Companies excels to differentiate ourselves from our competitors.

Corporate Profile

Company Name Ai Holdings Corporation
Headquarters 12-8 Nihonbashi-Hisamatsucho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0005
Capital JPY5 billion (as of Dec. 31, 2011)
Date of Establishment April 2, 2007
Representative Hideyoshi Sasaki, CEO
Main Business Manufacturing and sales of security camera systems, IC card issuing systems, and computer peripherals, including commercial cutting plotters and other equipment.
(1) Security Systems
(2) IC Card Issuing Systems and Other Business Equipment
(3) Computer Peripherals
(4) Measurement Instruments and Environment Testers
(5) Architectural Design Services
(6) Others
Number of Branches Domestic 10, Overseas 4 (as of Dec. 31, 2011)
Total Employees Consolidated: 988, Nonconsolidated: 32 (as of Dec. 31, 2011)

IR Library

Financial Data

< FY2011 >

Information Meeting Materials

< FY2011 >

Trias Company Memo

Trias Corporation prepares Company Memos as summaries of corporate Information Meetings held by the posting Company.

< FY6/12 >

< FY6/11 >

< FY6/10 >


Frequently Asked Questions

Corporate Information

When was Ai Holdings Corporation established?
It was founded as a pure holding company through the merger of DODWELL B.M.S. Ltd. and GRAPHTEC on April 2, 2007. It listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on the same day.
What are the Company’s business fields?
Our three core consolidated subsidiaries—DODWELL B.M.S., GRAPHTEC and Ai Sekkei—engage in security systems, computer peripherals and structural design services.
What corporate guidelines help define the business fields that you engage?
Our key to success is to excel in niche market exploitation, an expertise requiring a high degree of specialization. We strive to maximize our strengths by differentiating ourselves from the competition in terms of both services and products.

The Company's Vsion and Business Strategy

On what management philosophy does your Company operate?
Our philosophy is based on the belief that all things arise from trust and faith, which is also the driving force in creating value acknowledged by people and society. Based on this belief, we have aggressively conducted operations, including merger and acquisitions, in order develop and expand our business.
What are some of your key management strategies?
Our strategy is to pursue synergies between our existing and new businesses, which have been acquired through M&A and positioned to exploit our vast client base, while developing them into growth drivers in a short period of time and have them contribute to our consolidated results.
Provide some details on your core operations.
We operate three main business lines: the manufacture and marketing of security systems and computer peripherals (including commercial cutting plotters and scanners), as well as architectural design services focusing on quakeproof structural integrity designs.

Business Results/Financial Data

Tell us about some recent business developments.
We have responded to dramatic changes in our operating environment both at home and abroad by establishing and fortifying a management regime focused on higher productivity and profitability. As a result, every business segment that we operate in has become profitable and a stable driver of growth.

Stock Information

What are Ai Holdings’ policies on shareholder return?
Returning profit to our shareholders is a key commitment, which is why we are improving our financial strength and increase internal reserves in order to distribute the proceeds of our success on stable and sustained basis. We are also examining an adaptable approach to stock buybacks, which we intend to exploit productively as part of our future M&A agenda.
What is the Company’s policy on dividends?
Our priority is management driven by the imperatives of our balance sheet and cash flow, taking consolidated profit, payout ratio and internal reserves into account in the effort to enhance corporate value. We are pleased to make every effort to meet the expectations of our shareholders.

Inquiries on the Company's Investor Relations (IR)


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Last Update: January 18, 2012

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