About this Website

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Recommended audiovisual applications

The IRTV Network will best be viewed through the use of the latest audiovisual software (older versions may impair viewing).
We recommend broadband, including FTTH, ADSL and CATV, set at 1M bps or higher

- Recommended browsers
   For Windows®
   - Internet Explorer 6.0 or later; Firefox 2 or later
   For MacOSX
   - Apple Computer Safari 3 or later, Firefox 2 or later

- Plug-in needed
   - Flash Player 8 or later

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The IRTV Network ("Website") and the contents ("Information"), including data, materials, video, audio and programs, it contains are protected under the Copyright Law of Japan and, aside from advertisements, belong exclusively to Trias Corporation and/or the company providing the information ("Company").
Unless expressly stated otherwise, those who agree to access the Website ("Viewer") may not copy, release, distribute, lease, translate, adapt, reprint, reuse, alter and/or license specific part or parts of the Information contained in the Website.
In addition, the audiovisual segment of a specific individual or individuals ("Performer") provided by the Company are proprietary to that Performer and usage of said segment by the Viewer without express permission of the Performer is strictly prohibited.

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The IRTV Network ("Website") and the contents ("Information"), including data, materials, video, audio and programs, contained herein is strictly for reference purposes for those who agree to access the Website ("Viewer"). The Website does not solicit investment in any Company represented in it.
The Website does not ensure the accuracy, suitability and integrity of the Information contained herein.
The Information posted on the Website represents that which was existed at the time of its posting, recording and/or writing, and may be altered without notice. The Viewer has the sole responsibility of ascertaining for himself any updates to the Information.
The Information provided on this Website is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, and under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, shall Trias Corporation, its alliance companies and/or the company providing the Information ("Company") be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages.
Any decision by the Viewer to invest in the Company represented in this Website is made entirely by the Viewer.
The Website does not guarantee in any manner or degree the accuracy and representation of information the Viewer obtains from third-party websites that are linked to this Website.

Naming rights, including trademarks, of titles and other proprietary names that are used in the video interviews with Company management shall belong to their rightful owners.
"IRTV Network" is a registered trademark of Trias Corporation.

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