IRTV Network Inquiry Form

Should you have any IR-related comments and/or queries, please use the entry form below. The IRTV Network will feed your inquiry, together with those submitted by other viewers, back to the Company's IR liaison and responded to.

We look forward to your inquiries and/or insights on the Company's IR initiatives.

Please press Submit after having entered your comments.

Company Name

Example: Trias Corporation
  First Name:      Last Name:  
You must have a valid PC email address.
Mobile email addresses will not be accepted.

 (for confirmation)

Example: +81-3-1234-5678
Investor Type
Experiences in Equity Investment
Category of Inquiry
Additional Information
With your approval, the Company and IRTV Network (Trias Corporation) will email you further IR information.
Do you wish to receive additional IR information from the Company?

Do you wish to receive additional IR information from IRTV Network (Trias Corporation)?
Questions / Comments
Please limit your inquiries/comments to 2000 characters